Lindee Zimmer

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location: tucson, az, Tucson being home to the O'odham and the Yaqui tribes

this year has been quite a whirlwind. i am beyond grateful to have experienced such hospitality and kindness along the way. most recently with the Canelo Project. lisa and i spent the last month learning earthen plastering, along with many other things with the wonderful folx at Canelo. drawn there by clay paint and left with new friends.

we are exploring roots in this region. the dream is to steward some land in the southwest. build from the land with community. learn and teach. create space to be creative and nourished. i am warm with dreams.

i have spent most the year outside. seriously shifting my brain patterns and inspiration. at the beginning of september i spent 15 days riding the waters of the colorado through the grand canyon, the original lands or the Hopitutskwa, Pueblos, Havasusupai, Hualapai. (this is stolen land. this land should be returned to its original stewards.)through the belly of the earth. communing with lizards, mountain sheep, bats and harvester ants to name a few. humbled by this journey through time. we are all dust and mud.

since it is native american heritage month, please do sone research of the land you are on.

with love, lindee