You practice.
Whatever you want to get better at you need to let your ego sit to the side, be vulnerable and put in the time to practice. When you make mistakes take notes. Ask for help from others. Repeat for the rest of your life.
Whether, speaking a new language, mastering a martial art or being a more compassionate human.
We are not born with the skills we already have such as speaking or writing. We learn through practice, with the help of loved ones family and teachers, we are held through the journey over years and years.
I spent 3 month in Guatemala speaking spanish. Guess what, I am so far from fluent, because 3 months is such a short time to master a language. Did I improve? Yes, and I am humbled by the intricacies of language and what the mind can retain in a single day.
We have a finite amount of time in a day so be diligent in how you use it. Use your energy wisely. (Put your phone down)
Be humble, be vulnerable, be compassionate with yourself and keep practicing your desired skill everyday.
love, lindee
“practice leads to the sharpest analysis”
Drawing with Harvey (my host family in San Miguel, Guatemala)